2017/18 Kiwanis Club of Aiken Awards & Officer Installation Banquet

Celebrating a 40 year anniversary
Aiken Kiwanis Club members visit with Michael Anaclerio at O'Charley's in Aiken. Anaclario has been an Aiken Kiwanian for the last 40 years -- joining January 12, 1978. From left, Bill Tyler, Michael Anaclario, Muriel Gouffray and Habitat for Humanity's Henry Krippner.
Aiken Kiwanis Club members visit with Michael Anaclerio at O'Charley's in Aiken. Anaclario has been an Aiken Kiwanian for the last 40 years -- joining January 12, 1978. From left, Bill Tyler, Michael Anaclario, Muriel Gouffray and Habitat for Humanity's Henry Krippner.
Students from Mead Hall deliver Declamations

The Kiwanis Club of Aiken was treated to performances from Mead Hall students March 15. The students entertained and amazed the audience with their chosen declamations. Speeches included Robert Lewis Stevenson''s "My Shadow", Walt Whitman's "O Captain, My Captain!" and Oprah Winfrfey's speech from the 2018 Golden Globe Awards. Student pose with Kiwanian Buzz Rich.
Civic club sign gets a fresh look

Kiwanian Bill Tyler has been part of a group to renovate the civic organization sign that was in disrepair on Hwy. U.S. 1. Working with several community members and Boy Scout Troop 110, a sturdy, wooden sign now graces another section of U. S. 1 near the Aiken Municipal Airport.
Soon to be Eagle Scout, Cameron Fisher, helped guide the project and constructed the wooden structure with his fellow members of Boy Scout Troop 110. Allegra Printing helped with creating the organization signs.
Soon to be Eagle Scout, Cameron Fisher, helped guide the project and constructed the wooden structure with his fellow members of Boy Scout Troop 110. Allegra Printing helped with creating the organization signs.

Kiwanis lends a hand at the Food Bank
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Aiken, along with representatives from the Silver Bluff Key Club, got a taste of the hard work that goes into distributing food to those in need January 20. The service project took three hours to pack 234 20-pound boxes and load them on to pallets for Golden Harvest Food Bank's Senior Food Box Program.
Pictured below, Aiken Kiwanian Sherri Siler, Silver Bluff Key Club's Larissa Fiquris, Barney Hicks and daughter Laurel Hicks, Kiwanians Bill Tyler and Denise Kemp with Golden Harvest Food Bank’s Ed Chavis.
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Aiken, along with representatives from the Silver Bluff Key Club, got a taste of the hard work that goes into distributing food to those in need January 20. The service project took three hours to pack 234 20-pound boxes and load them on to pallets for Golden Harvest Food Bank's Senior Food Box Program.
Pictured below, Aiken Kiwanian Sherri Siler, Silver Bluff Key Club's Larissa Fiquris, Barney Hicks and daughter Laurel Hicks, Kiwanians Bill Tyler and Denise Kemp with Golden Harvest Food Bank’s Ed Chavis.