August 22-23, 2014, Aiken Kiwanis members, Tammy Davis and William "Bill" Tyler, traveled to Charlotte, NC to serve as club delegate for the Carolinas District Convention. Both Tammy and Bill enjoyed a fun filled weekend in fellowship with other Kiwanians around the Carolinas. On Friday, August 22, both member attended the Club Leadership Orientation, a five-hour training aimed at preparing club presidents and other leadership positions for their upcoming responsibilities. Saturday, August 23, was filled with training sessions for the 167 registered delegates and numerous Kiwanians from 91 clubs in the Carolinas District. Both Tammy and Bill reported that among their favorite sessions was a presentation on THE FORMULA. The delegates learned of the Kiwanis initiative aimed at recruiting more members, with a special focus on retaining members and clubs in their district and world-wide. The motto of Live It, Love It, Share It, resonated all weekend. On Saturday night the members enjoyed a semi-formal installation banquet for new district leadership. New District Governor, Gary Cooper of the Fayetteville, NC club, gave a great inaugural speech. A few others elected and honored that night were Dawn Hodges of the Greenwood, SC Kiwanis Club and the Aiken Kiwanis, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor Alex Fournil of the Columbia, SC Palmetto Club. In attendance as well were the district leadership for the Carolinas college chapters of Circle K International and High School Key Clubs. Both newly elected Circle K and Key Club Governors, Ashley Synger (CKI) and Cullen Tyndall (Key), addressed the members. Aiken Kiwanis were proud as they cheered on their sponsored Key Club, Silver Bluff High School's Lydia Hicks, who will serve as Carolinas Lieutenant Governor for the year. Overall, the convention was a great experience for both members. They were able to learn many new aspects of the club and world-wide Kiwanis initiative and program and upon return, shared and enrich their fellow club members. Most importantly, both members returned rejuvenated and ready to continue motivating fellow members to continue their efforts in serving the children locally and world-wide.